Sunday, August 16, 2009


So often we find ourselves wondering, "where did I go wrong? What could I have done differently?" Well, here's a little secret: Life isn't easy and NO ONE has all the answers.

For some of us, ideal role models weren't always available when we were young, so we end up learning some lessons the hard way, and maybe even maturing a little later in life than most. This is my gift to you - a collection of little lessons I have learned along the way that I would like to pass along to others, in hopes that someone, even if it's just one person, can glean something from one of my lessons learned.

I am not a doctor, a psychologist or a minister. I am simply a middle-aged working mom who has been blessed with many opportunities, second chances and now a desire and responsibility to give back. When we are given a gift, we can't fully appreciate the gift unless we make the most of that gift and help others find their own gifts in life. I guess some might call that paying it forward. I hope my gift to you will be received as such.